The handbooks produced by the Radio Society of Great Britain are a must-have for anyone interested in amateur radio. From beginners to experienced users, anyone looking to further their understanding will want to consider these manuals. Compiled over generations with information updated for modern readers by the acknowledged experts within the organisation, they cover topics such as Virtual Radar, Radio Orienteering, VHF antenna set-up, and more!

The RSBG is a national membership organisation, providing information and licensure for over 100 years. Enthusiasts will find these handbooks provide valuable resources for students and trainers alike.

Nevada Radio sells several different manuals, including maps, logbooks, study materials for an RSGB licence exam, and more. Those interested in a complete catalogue should look no further than our website!

Shop Nevada Radio today for RSGB manuals and gain access to a wealth of information.



The handbooks produced by the Radio Society of Great Britain are a must-have for anyone interested in amateur radio. From beginners to experienced users, anyone looking to further their understanding will want to consider these manuals. Compiled over generations with information updated for modern readers by the acknowledged experts within the organisation, they cover topics such as Virtual Radar, Radio Orienteering, VHF antenna set-up, and more!

The RSBG is a national membership organisation, providing information and licensure for over 100 years. Enthusiasts will find these handbooks provide valuable resources for students and trainers alike.

Nevada Radio sells several different manuals, including maps, logbooks, study materials for an RSGB licence exam, and more. Those interested in a complete catalogue should look no further than our website!

Shop Nevada Radio today for RSGB manuals and gain access to a wealth of information.

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